Thursday, July 20, 2006


The feeling that one gets when they look into someone special’s eyes,
The scent of lovers perfeum or a fimiler shampoo,
The feeling of long luxrurous hair running threw ones figers like the worlds finest slik,
This is the defenation of love.

The need to do better just to make your compaion realaze that you’re important,
The way one feels when your crash smiles back at you,
The wild goose chase to grasp this person into your arms and call them yours,
This is the misson known has love

The happiness that one feels at every second of their life,
The power one feels inside once they have accomplished their misson,
And the necessity to be with your lover at any possible moment,
That…my friends…is love
Now that you accomplised what you wanted which is love,
You feel more concredthat you wanted to ask,
Now is the chance to ask that special someone to be yours,
That is the chance…that she is yours
The girl that respect you in any way that cares for you,
The way she looks at you like you are the one she wants,
The way you respect her like she was your heart,
That is the way you respect love
When you take her out on a date for the fist time,
When you go to the movies and buy your lover what she wants,
When the movie starts and it is darkin the middle of the movie,
That is whan you get your first kiss
Each day when you go to school and get to class,
When you open yourr bag and find a card from your love,
The thuagh you get about your lover when you read the card,
That is the thaugh of love


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